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Safe Sports Schools

The safe sports program is an initiative created by the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) to nationally recognize secondary schoolsmeeting the following criteria:

  • Create a positive athletic health care administrative system
  • Provide or coordinate per-participation physical examinations
  • Promote safe and appropriate practice and competition facilities
  • Plan for selection, fit function and proper maintenance of athletic equipment
  • Provide a permanent, appropriately equipped area to evaluate and treat injured athletes
  • Develop injury and illness prevention strategies, including protocols for environmental conditions
  • Provide or facilitate injury intervention
  • Create and rehearse venue-specific Emergency Action Plan
  • Provide or facilitate psychologicalconsultation and nutritional counseling/education
  • Be sure athletes and parents are educated of the potential benefits and risks in sports as well as their responsibilities

NATA Safe Sports Schools


The Sandia High School Athletic Training team has held this distinction since 2016 and have been awarded Safe Schools Status until 2022.

Sports Medicine students
Melissa Lee banner
Sports Med students
Sports Medicine student

"I joined the sport medicine class because it is a great introduction into the medical field. Mrs. Lee encourages all of her students to do their very best in her class and other classes!" - Summer L. (Level 4 Student SY 18-19, 19-20, 20-21, 21-22).