Course Description
Sports Medicines a course aimed at providing an introduction to the field of sports medicine/athletic training to students who are considering a career in health/medical related fields. The material addressed in this course will provide students with a basic foundation of knowledge necessary for the practice of sports medicine/athletic training. Course Fee: $20.00
Level 1
- Complete clinical hours (1 day/week for every 6 weeks)
- FERPA & HIPAA Contracts
- Skeletal System
- Kinesiology
- Emergency Action Plans
- Condition Techniques
- Basic Nutrition
- Muscular System
- Basic First Aid
- Wrapping
- Athletic Injuries Evaluation & Treatment
Level II
- Complete clinical hours: 2 days in Training Room + 1 game (for every sport)per week every 6 weeks
- Mentor/Adopt a Level I student
- Present labs for Level I students
- Poster projects and information sheets
- Complete Skill competencies
- More in depth Skeletal System & Kinesiology
- CPR/AED Training, Shock, Splinting, Back Boarding
- Environmental Concerns
- Vital Signs/Shock/Treatment
- Special Tests
- Rehabilitation
- Thorax/Abdomen
- Cranial Nerves, Myotomes & Dermatomes
- Taping
- Therapeutic Modalities
- Basic Sports Nutrition
Level III
- Complete clinical hours: 2-3 days per week every 6 weeks + 1- 2 game per sport every season
- Mentor Level I & II students
- Present labs for Level I & II students
- Poster Projects and information sheets
- Complete competencies
- Test Level 1 & II students on Skills competencies
- Continued Skeletal System & Kinesiology
- Common Illnesses/Diseases
- CPR/AED Training (Recertification)
- Basic Sports Psychology
- General Medical Conditions
- Basic Pharmacology
- Advanced Sports Nutrition
- Environmental Concerns
- Spine
- Advanced Tapings
- Advanced Special Tests
How to Join & Progression
To join - Register for Sports Medicine I
Progression to Levels II & III are dependent on performance & a minimum of a C in the previous Sports Medicine class and requires teacher approval.
Athletic Training Challenge
Since 1999 the NMAA has recognized Athletic Training as a sanctioned activity. A challenges conducted each year which consists of a symposium and exam. The top three schools and individuals are recognized.
Location and date of the competition will be announced at a later date.
"I always wanted to go into the medical field and I figured that sports medicine would be a great starting point. Mrs. Lee keeps the class fun and interesting" - Arianna M. (Level 2 & 3 Student SY 19-20, 20-21, 21-22).