Online Reference Tools
Database Descriptions
Why not just use Google or Wikipedia? Research databases provide a wealth of investigative potential that is missed when relying on random internet searches. Unlike the sometimes questionable results found by random searching, these resources provide full-text access to thousands of periodicals, newspapers, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, audio files, and government documents.
Databases and other Digital Resources available to Sandia High School students can now be accessed with one username and password through the MackinVIA platform. Students can click on the MackinVIA icon on the library webpage and login with their student i.d. number and their personal school password.
ABC-CLIO Social Studies Databases
Thousands of primary and secondary sources, easy navigation, continually updated content, and the noteworthy contributions of scholars, educators, librarians, and subject area specialists.
Provides access to over two million images that can be used by both teachers and students. Includes images from the National Portrait Gallery, the Chicago History Museum, National Geographic Society, and PlanetObserver.
Britannica Online School Edition Encyclopedia
Provides encyclopedia articles on a variety of subjects to be used by high school students.
Full text articles on history, literature, and science. A powerful variety of proprietary full text databases, citations, and thousands of articles from leading information providers.
These databases are available for multidisciplinary research from a broad array of sources. Many are updated daily. Included are the Discovering Collection, Gale's Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center, Student Resources in Context, and Informe (a collection of periodicals in Spanish).
This database provides NM newspapers online, and includes the Albuquerque Journal, Las Cruces Sun-News, and Roswell Daily Record, as well as several American news magazines.
The site provides original, in-studio movies of authors and illustrators and a wealth of multimedia resources on K-12 books that generate enthusiasm for books and reading.